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Deliverable Name Description Lead Beneficiary Type Dissemination Level Due Date Status Submission Date Deliverable No Work Package No
M1 Consortium Agreement 31-7-2022 M1
D6.1 Internal project platform D6.1 Internal project platform
this deliverable is related to WP Disseminate Task 6.1 Communication and dissemination
WER DEC PU 2022-07-31 submitted 22-8-2022 D6.1 6
D6.3 Internet website D6.3 Internet website
this deliverable is related to WP Disseminate Task 6.1 Communication and dissemination
WER DEC PU 2022-09-30 submitted D6.3 6
M2 Project started and handbook released 30-9-2022 M2
D1.5 Project handbook D1.5 Project handbook NIL R SEN 2022-09-30 submitted D1.5 1
M3 FAIRiCUBE HUB Architecture is finished 31-10-2022 M3
D4.1 FAIRiCUBE HUB Architecture D4.1 FAIRiCUBE HUB Architecture
this deliverable is related to WP Share Task 4.1 Define FAIRiCUBE HUB Architecture
EOX DEM PU 31-12-2022 Pending D4.1 4
M4 First version of the Report on UC data source synergies released 30-11-2022 M4
D2.2: Report on UC data source synergies D2.2: Report on UC data source synergies (M6, M24)
this deliverable is related to WP Use task 2.2 Synchronization of data sources
4SF R PU 2022-12-31 Pending D2.2 2
D2.3: UC Analysis Plans D2.3: UC Analysis Plans
(M6, M12, M18, M30)
this deliverable is related to WP Use task 2.3 Use case analysis
4SF R PU 2022-12-31 Pending D2.3 2
D5.1 List of datacube resources made available D5.1 List of datacube resources made available
(M6, M12)
this deliverable is related to WP Ingest Task 5.1 Availability of existing datacubes
JUB R PU 2022-12-31 Pending D5.1 5
M5 Initial data management plan finished 31-12-2022 M5
D6.2 Data management plan D6.2 Data management plan
(M6, M18, M30)
this deliverable is related to WP Disseminate Task 6.3 Governance
WER DMP PU 2022-12-31 Pending D6.2 6
D4.2 Public Listing (Catalogue of FAIRiCUBE data resources) D4.2 Public Listing (Catalogue of FAIRiCUBE data resources)
(M8, M18, M30)
this deliverable is related to WP Share Task 4.2 Enable FAIRiCUBE Data Access
EOX R PU 2023-02-28 Pending D4.2 4
D4.3 Public Listing (Catalogue) of FAIRiCUBE processing/analysis resources) D4.3 Public Listing (Catalogue) of FAIRiCUBE processing/analysis resources)
(M8, M18, M30)
this deliverable is related to WP Share Task 4.3 Enable FAIRiCUBE Processing/Analysis
EPS R PU 2023-02-28 Pending D4.4 4
D5.2 Description of the datacube ingestion pipelines D5.2 Description of the datacube ingestion pipelines
(M9, M18)
this deliverable is related to WP Ingest Task 5.2 Transformation of existing raster sources, Task 5.3 Transformation of existing point data sources and Task 5.4 Transformation of existing vector data sources
JUB R PU 2023-03-31 Pending D5.2 5
M6 Description of the datacube ingestion pipelines released 30-6-2023 M6
D5.1 List of datacube resources made available D5.1 List of datacube resources made available
(M6, M12)
this deliverable is related to WP Ingest Task 5.1 Availability of existing datacubes
JUB R PU 2023-06-30 Pending D5.1 5
D2.4: UC Ingest/Process synergy report D2.4: UC Ingest/Process synergy report
(M12, M24)
this deliverable is related to WP Use task 2.4 Ingestion / Provisioning / Processing
4SF R PU 2023-06-30 Pending D2.4 2
D5.3 Validation of ingestion D5.3 Validation of ingestion
(M12, M20)
this deliverable is related to WP Ingest Task 5.5 Validation
4SF R SEN 2023-06-30 Pending D5.3 5
M7 Use cases exploratory data analysis released 30-6-2023 M7
D3.1 UC exploratory data analysis D3.1 UC exploratory data analysis
this deliverable is related to WP Process Task 3.1 Exploratory data analysis
NIL R PU 2023-06-30 Pending D3.1 3
D2.3: UC Analysis Plans D2.3: UC Analysis Plans
(M6, M12, M18, M30)
this deliverable is related to WP Use task 2.3 Use case analysis
4SF R PU 2023-06-30 Pending D2.3 2
M8 Machine learning strategy specific for each use case released 30-6-2023 M8
D3.2 Machine learning strategy specific for each use case D3.2 Machine learning strategy specific for each use case
this deliverable is related to WP Process Task 3.2 Processing and ML guidance
NIL R PU 2023-06-30 Pending D3.2 3
D3.3 Processing and ML applications D3.3 Processing and ML applications
(M12, M18)
this deliverable is related to WP Process Task 3.3 Design and delivery of processing steps
and Task 3.4 Processing and ML execution
NIL DATA PU 2023-06-30 Pending D3.3 3
M9 FAIRiCUBE HUB in operation 30-6-2023 M9
D4.4 Operational FAIRiCUBE HUB D4.4 Operational FAIRiCUBE HUB
Task 4.2 Enable FAIRiCUBE Data Access
this deliverable is related to WP Share Task 4.4 Deploy and operate FAIRiCUBE HUB
EOX DEM PU 2023-06-30 Pending D4.4 4
D6.4 Training and innovation workshops D6.4 Training and innovation workshops
(2 workshop days)
(M12, M24)
this deliverable is related to WP Disseminate Task 6.2 Training and education
WER OTHER PU 2023-06-30 Pending D6.4 6
D6.5 Academic courses and course works D6.5 Academic courses and course works
(M12, M24, M36)
this deliverable is related to WP Disseminate Task 6.2 Training and education
WER OTHER PU 2023-06-30 Pending D6.5 6
M10 Processing and ML applications for each use cases released 31-12-2023 M10
D3.6 Validation of processing and ML applications D3.6 Validation of processing and ML applications
(M18, M30)
this deliverable is related to WP Process Task 3.7 Validation
4SF R PU 2023-12-31 Pending D3.6 3
D2.3: UC Analysis Plans D2.3: UC Analysis Plans
(M6, M12, M18, M30)
this deliverable is related to WP Use task 2.3 Use case analysis
4SF R PU 2023-12-31 Pending D2.3 2
M11 Apps to support community collaboration platform released 31-12-2023 M11
D4.5 Apps to support community collaboration platform D4.5 Apps to support community collaboration platform
this deliverable is related to WP Share Task 4.5 Community collaboration platform
EOX DEM PU 2023-12-31 Pending D4.5 4
D6.2 Data management plan D6.2 Data management plan
(M6, M18, M30)
this deliverable is related to WP Disseminate Task 6.3 Governance
WER DMP PU 2023-12-31 Pending D6.2 6
D4.2 Public Listing (Catalogue of FAIRiCUBE data resources) D4.2 Public Listing (Catalogue of FAIRiCUBE data resources)
(M8, M18, M30)
this deliverable is related to WP Share Task 4.2 Enable FAIRiCUBE Data Access
EOX R PU 2023-12-31 Pending D4.2 4
D4.3 Public Listing (Catalogue) of FAIRiCUBE processing/analysis resources) D4.3 Public Listing (Catalogue) of FAIRiCUBE processing/analysis resources)
(M8, M18, M30)
this deliverable is related to WP Share Task 4.3 Enable FAIRiCUBE Processing/Analysis
EPS R PU 2023-12-31 Pending D4.4 4
D5.2 Description of the datacube ingestion pipelines D5.2 Description of the datacube ingestion pipelines
(M9, M18)
this deliverable is related to WP Ingest Task 5.2 Transformation of existing raster sources, Task 5.3 Transformation of existing point data sources and Task 5.4 Transformation of existing vector data sources
JUB R PU 2023-12-31 Pending D5.2 5
D3.3 Processing and ML applications D3.3 Processing and ML applications
(M12, M18)
this deliverable is related to WP Process Task 3.3 Design and delivery of processing steps
and Task 3.4 Processing and ML execution
NIL DATA PU 2023-12-31 Pending D3.3 3
OEI – Requirement No. 2 Ethics Board review Ethics Board review
this deliverable is related to WP ethics consideration
NIL R PU 2023-12-31 Pending
OEI – Requirement No. 1 The identified ethics issues do not represent complex and serious ethics issues and the applicants demonstrate awareness regarding most of them (as shown by the ethics self-assessment and section 1.2.7 of Part B). Applicants declare that project’s activities will be undertaken in compliance with requirements of the European Commission (B. p. 22). Nevertheless, it is recommended that the consortium is supported by an Ethics Board:
– Reason for appointment: multiple and intersectional ethics issues and sensitiveness of some of them (AI; Environment, health and Safety). There might also be the risk that the results may be misused since insufficient details are provided on the exploitation routes.
– Expertise: the EB should have expertise at least on AI ethics and environmental ethics;
– the EB must be consulted at least on the following points:
i) identification and thorough analysis of the ethics issues raised by this project in each of the use cases, with special attention to possible harm to the environment and to the human health, as well as to the measures that will be taken to ensure compliance with the ethics standards of Horizon Europe and, if applicable, the existence of appropriate health and safety procedures conforming to relevant local/national guidelines/legislation;
ii) the trustworthiness of the use of the Machine learning applications in each of the use cases, with specific reference to the “Assessment List on Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence” (ALTAI)
NIL ETHICS SEN 2023-12-31 Pending
M12 Processing knowledge base services released 29-2-2024 M12
D3.4 Processing knowledge base services D3.4 Processing knowledge base services
this deliverable is related to WP Process Task 3.5 Processing knowledge base:
NIL DATA PU 2024-02-29 Pending D3.4 3
D5.3 Validation of ingestion D5.3 Validation of ingestion
(M12, M20)
this deliverable is related to WP Ingest Task 5.5 Validation
4SF R SEN 2024-02-29 Pending D5.3 5
M13 Final version of the Report on UC data source synergies released 30-6-2024 M13
D1.6 Validation report D1.6 Validation report
(M24, M36)
this deliverable is related to WP Manage task 1.4 Validation
s4e R PU 2024-06-30 Pending D1.6 1
D2.4: UC Ingest/Process synergy report D2.4: UC Ingest/Process synergy report
(M12, M24)
this deliverable is related to WP Use task 2.4 Ingestion / Provisioning / Processing
4SF R PU 2024-06-30 Pending D2.4 2
D2.5 Sharing UC workshop presentations and minutes D2.5 Sharing UC workshop presentations and minutes
(M24, M36)
this deliverable is related to WP Use task 2.5 Sharing of use case experience
4SF R PU 2024-06-30 Pending D2.5 2
D2.6 Validation of UC D2.6 Validation of UC
(M24, M36)
this deliverable is related to WP Use Task 2.6 Validation
s4e R PU 2024-06-30 Pending D2.6 2
D4.6 Validation of sharing D4.6 Validation of sharing
(M24, M36)
this deliverable is related to WP Share Task 4.6 Validation
4SF R PU 2024-06-30 Pending D4.6 4
D2.2: Report on UC data source synergies D2.2: Report on UC data source synergies (M6, M24)
this deliverable is related to WP Use task 2.2 Synchronization of data sources
4SF R PU 2024-06-30 Pending D2.2 2
D6.4 Training and innovation workshops D6.4 Training and innovation workshops
(2 workshop days)
(M12, M24)
this deliverable is related to WP Disseminate Task 6.2 Training and education
WER OTHER PU 2024-06-30 Pending D6.4 6
D6.5 Academic courses and course works D6.5 Academic courses and course works
(M12, M24, M36)
this deliverable is related to WP Disseminate Task 6.2 Training and education
WER OTHER PU 2024-06-30 Pending D6.5 6
D3.5 Technical and Use Case result feedback D3.5 Technical and Use Case result feedback
this deliverable is related to WP Process Task 3.6 Technical and Use Case result feedback
NIL R PU 2024-12-31 Pending D3.5 3
D2.3: UC Analysis Plans D2.3: UC Analysis Plans
(M6, M12, M18, M30)
this deliverable is related to WP Use task 2.3 Use case analysis
4SF R PU 2024-12-31 Pending D2.3 2
D6.2 Data management plan D6.2 Data management plan
(M6, M18, M30)
this deliverable is related to WP Disseminate Task 6.3 Governance
WER DMP PU 2024-12-31 Pending D6.2 6
D3.6 Validation of processing and ML applications D3.6 Validation of processing and ML applications
(M18, M30)
this deliverable is related to WP Process Task 3.7 Validation
4SF R PU 2024-12-31 Pending D3.6 3
D4.2 Public Listing (Catalogue of FAIRiCUBE data resources) D4.2 Public Listing (Catalogue of FAIRiCUBE data resources)
(M8, M18, M30)
this deliverable is related to WP Share Task 4.2 Enable FAIRiCUBE Data Access
EOX R PU 2024-12-31 Pending D4.2 4
D4.3 Public Listing (Catalogue) of FAIRiCUBE processing/analysis resources) D4.3 Public Listing (Catalogue) of FAIRiCUBE processing/analysis resources)
(M8, M18, M30)
this deliverable is related to WP Share Task 4.3 Enable FAIRiCUBE Processing/Analysis
EPS R PU 2024-12-31 Pending D4.4 4
M14 Exploitation and stakeholder engagement plan released 30-4-2025 M14
D6.10 Exploitation and Dissemination plan D6.10 Exploitation and Dissemination plan / Stakeholder engagement plan
this deliverable is related to WP Disseminate Task 6.4 Persistence and stakeholder engagement
EPS R PU 2025-04-30 Pending D6.10 6
D6.6 Communication Plan D6.6 Communication Plan
this deliverable is related to WP Disseminate Task 6.4 Persistence and stakeholder engagement
EPS R PU 2025-04-30 Pending D6.6 6
M15 Upscaling plan released 30-4-2025
D6.7 Upscaling plan D6.7 Upscaling plan
this deliverable is related to WP Disseminate Task 6.5 Upscaling
WER R PU 2025-04-30 Pending D6.7 6
D6.8 Synergy report D6.8 Synergy report (M34)
this deliverable is related to WP Disseminate Task 6.6 Synergize
EPS R PU 2025-04-30 Pending D6.8 6
D6.9 Business Plan D6.9 Business Plan
this deliverable is related to WP Disseminate Task 6.5 Upscaling
WER R PU 2025-04-30 Pending D6.9 6
D1.6 Validation report D1.6 Validation report
(M24, M36)
this deliverable is related to WP Manage task 1.4 Validation
s4e R PU 2025-06-30 Pending D1.6 1
D2.5 Sharing UC workshop presentations and minutes D2.5 Sharing UC workshop presentations and minutes
(M24, M36)
this deliverable is related to WP Use task 2.5 Sharing of use case experience
4SF R PU 2025-06-30 Pending D2.5 2
D2.6 Validation of UC D2.6 Validation of UC
(M24, M36)
this deliverable is related to WP Use Task 2.6 Validation
s4e R PU 2025-06-30 Pending D2.6 2
D6.5 Academic courses and course works D6.5 Academic courses and course works
(M12, M24, M36)
this deliverable is related to WP Disseminate Task 6.2 Training and education
WER OTHER PU 2025-06-30 Pending D6.5 6
D4.6 Validation of sharing D4.6 Validation of sharing
(M24, M36)
this deliverable is related to WP Share Task 4.6 Validation
4SF R PU 2025-06-30 Pending D4.6 4