The FAIRiCUBE project is collaborating with its sister projects Usage, All Data 4 Green Deal (AD4GD) and Biodiversity Building Blocks for policy (B-Cubed). These are all projects within the same EU call HORIZON-CL6-2021-GOVERNANCE-01-17.
We all strive to unleashing the potential of environmental and climate data through dedicated European data spaces in line with the objectives of the European Green Deal and the European strategy for data. We do this by further deploying digital and data technologies as key enablers and strengthening EU and international science-policy interfaces as well as contributing to the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). We all have our own project focus, but we support each other and we are planning for events to strengthen each other, such as co-organising seminars and workshops.
This week (August 10th & 11th) FAIRiCUBE will be hosting a workshop dedicated to the creation and provision of Species Occurrence Cubes at the Natural History Museum in Vienna. Occurrence Cubes are a proposed format to summarize species occurrence data, as well as make it easier to reflect such initial point/vector based data against the vast holdings of gridded data being generated by initiatives such as Copernicus. The goal of this meeting is to develop an aligned approach for the creation of Occurrence Cubes, enabling interoperability beyond the individual projects proposing such an approach, and enabling better analysis and processing of biodiversity data for all.
Learn more about our sister projects:
– USAGE project (usage-project.eu): provides solutions and mechanisms for making city-level environmental and climate data available to everyone based on FAIR principles
– AD4GD – All Data 4 Green Deal: AD4GD’s mission is to co-create and shape the European Green Deal Data Space as an open hub for FAIR data and standards-based services that support the key priorities of pollution, biodiversity and climate change
– B-Cubed Project: Posts | LinkedIn): The B-Cubed project aims to transform biodiversity monitoring from a disconnected, labor-intensive activity into an agile and responsive process tailored to the needs of policy makers
image source: © C.Stadler/Bwag; CC-BY-SA-4.0.