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FAIRiCUBE @ Data Week Leipzig

We’re excited to announce FAIRiCUBE‘s participation in the Data Week Leipzig 2023. We look forward to the following sessions presented by Heimo Rainer (NHM Wien) and Peter Baumann (rasdaman / Constructor University):

1. Initiatives for European Green Deal – 26 June 2023, 11.00 -12.00am CEST, conference room
Heimo Rainer (NHM-WIEN) – Bringing the Power of ML and Remote Sensing Data to a Wider Audience: General overview of FAIRiCUBE
Learn more:

2. Data Spaces: Biodiversity – 27 June 2023, 17:00 – 18:20 pm CEST, room 259
Heimo Rainer (NHM-WIEN) – Complementing Space-Based EO Data with Fine-grained in situ Observations: details of the non-spatio-temporal axes are added to Datacubes, e.g. Occurrence Cubes, Drosophila genetic Cubes
Learn more:

3. Data Spaces: IoT and Sensors – 26.June 2023, 16.00 – 17.30pm Ratsplenarsaal
Peter Baumann (rasdaman/Constructor University)
Analysis-Ready AI-Datacubes: How They Support the Green Deal
European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) session
Learn more:

Participants will have the opportunity to gain insights into diverse activities geared at better leveraging this true data tsunami in the aim of ensuring a livable world for us all. Within this session, we’ll be presenting first insights into FAIRiCUBE.