Stefania Morrone (Epsilon Italia) attended #EGW23 (Eurogeo 2023) in Bolzano/Italy and presented the FAIRiCUBE project to the scientific audience.
Read her commentary on the conference:
“It was a unique opportunity to understand how the EuroGeo community thinks about building the data ecosystems, and the Green Deal Data Space in particular.
My takeaways from the various sessions:
– Improve the availability, accessibility and integration of EO in-situ and satellite data
– Provide a user-friendly platform to encourage adoption by EO experts as well as non-EO people, such as scientists & decision makers.
– Provide services to support translation between ontologies, focusing on OWL ontologies and SKOS thesauri, as these allow machine readability and can be shared through web-based catalogues and viewers.
– Improve the sharing of European analysis ready data and services and scaling for global adoption
– Define requirements related to use of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Quantum Computing
However, my feeling is that the road is neither short nor without obstacles. It seems to me that an ‘operational’ definition of the Green Data Space is still missing: how to achieve “interoperability of dispersed data from different ecosystems” that the GDDS is supposed to connect? How to enable “seamless discovery and use”? What interoperability interfaces? How to ensure quality?
Consistent answers to these questions are crucial for the success of the GDDS, and it will be essential to identify potential synergies and collaborations among the several projects working on this, both within and outside the EuroGEO context.”
About Stefania Morrone:
She has a MSc in Computer Engineering, more than 20 years’ experience in data modelling and software design, and over 15 years’ experience in Geographic Information Systems and Spatial Data Infrastructures. Since the INSPIRE (Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe) Directive entered into force, Stefania Morrone has been deeply involved in activities related to its implementation, evolution and re-use in other policy domains and thematic communities. She’s a facilitator of the European Commission’s the INSPIRE Helpdesk and is involved in the maintenance and technical evolution of INSPIRE components and artefacts. Since 2016 she is providing consultancy services to the European Environment Agency in the areas of dataflow development, management and operation as well as in referencing INSPIRE for environmental reporting.